As the golfing season moves from the winter months towards spring, golfers will be just as active on the course and it will be continue to be busy. For non-members, you are respectfully reminded to abide by the Outdoor Access Code when wanting to cross over our course. Exercising on the course puts yourself and golfers at significant risk hence why the Outdoor Access Code stipulates crossing over via appropriate paths only, as opposed to walking/exercising on the course.
As a sporting venue, the Bridge of Allan Golf Course is a narrow strip of land bordered by woods and fields. Typically non-members are regularly wanting to cut the corner of the woods by the 5th green to rejoin the woods at the bottom of the 5th tee area and also cross over from the woods higher up by the 4th tee to get to the adjoining fields by the 3rd fairway. These cross over points are also used in reverse, i.e. from field to woods and golfers, due to the blind summit nature of aspects of the course, can’t always see walkers etc coming from this direction. Due to the membership online booking system, golfers know who is ahead of them on the course and are, understandably, expecting the course to be clear for their next shots. There have been a fair number of near misses recently where groups of walkers/runners have appeared on various parts of the course and not on appropriate paths/crossing over points, putting themselves at significant risk.
Once again, it is fully appreciated that non-members have a right to access the course to cross over at certain points but please do abide by the Code when crossing over, enjoy your walk/activities in the surrounding areas adjoining us and keep safe. If you bring your lovely dog(s) with you, do remember that dogs need to be kept on a lead throughout the time you are crossing over the course and you are responsible for picking up your dog poop and removing it from the golf course.
Thank you.
For more details please click on the link: